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Fifty Shades of Blue

Fifty Shades of Blue 

At a recent rehearsal, members of InChorus, donned tops of all varieties, and in all shades of blue, to promote their upcoming concert.

They have revealed their plans for the second ‘Beat the Winter Blues’ concert which will take place in Peebles Old Parish Church at 7.30pm on Saturday 28th January.

The choir will perform its updated repertoire with the promise that any blues brought on by cold, gloomy, wintery weather will be dispelled. The programme includes beautiful ballads by, for example, Enya and Paul Simon, together with up tempo, upbeat songs from Motown to Justin Timberlake and classic anthems by David Bowie and Snow Patrol – and there will be a song or two from the musicals for good measure.

Musical Director, Aly Skidmore said, “As always, InChorus has thrown itself into learning different genres of popular song to deliver the type of performance we know our audiences love.”

Joining the choir on stage will be other home grown talent in the form of local blues singer/songwriter, Sam Mundy, whose performance will prove that the blues can be enjoyed too! Also appearing will be the Stardust Musical Theatre Company together with members of the Fiona Henderson School of Dance.

Aly continued, “In Peeblesshire there is an abundance of excellent performers, and I thought that we should take this opportunity to invite them to perform alongside InChorus to showcase some of the artistic ability that abounds within our community.”

“It is the choir’s aim to ensure that any shades of the blues that audience members might have will have been chased away by the end of the concert, and that they will leave with their toes tapping and smiles on their faces.”

InChorus - Fifty Shades of Blue

The concert will take place in Peebles Old Parish Church on Saturday 28th January at 7.30pm (doors open 6.45pm). Tickets are available from Graham McGrath, Outfitters, Eastgate, Peebles and from choir members. Tickets cost £8 (OAPs and school children £6, pre-school FREE).

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