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Newtown Church, George Street Edinburgh 5 June 2024 

We were delighted to be sharing the stage with the young McIntosh High School choir from Georgia in USA.  Our…

Our 2024 Events Diary 
A Traquair Christmas singout 
recruitment poster 2024 pdf - v3
Calling all singers! Come and join us 

We are always happy to welcome new members to the choir.  Men are particularly welcome so don’t be shy!  Women…

Christmas at Neidpath Castle 15 December 2023 
InChorus loves partying ! 
recruitment poster 2024 pdf - v3
Calling all singers! Come and join us 

We are always happy to welcome new members to the choir.  Men are particularly welcome so don’t be shy!  Women…

A Traquair Christmas singout 
Choir celebrates – Sat. 13th May 2023 

Inchorus Posters