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Join InChorus

InChorus is always delighted to welcome new members. 

  • Do you love to sing? 
  • Would you like to sing modern and contemporary songs in unique and exciting arrangements? 
  • Do you want to develop your vocal and performance skills? 
  • Would you enjoy singing in harmony with many other, like-minded people in a happy, friendly atmosphere?
  • Can you come to Peebles on Monday evenings for regular rehearsals?
  • Would you like to sing at events in the Scottish Borders and Edinburgh, across Southern Scotland and occasionally even further afield? 

If the answer is “yes” then we’d love to hear from you.  

All prospective new members are welcome to come along to a Monday rehearsal to hear us sing and find out more before deciding if InChorus is the choir for you.

Please note that membership of InChorus is via a basic and painless audition process

    Voice type* ("if you don't know, don't worry!)"
