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Meet Singu, the InChorus Mascot!

Meet Singu, the InChorus Mascot! 

Singu InChorus Mascot

Hello! I’m Singu. When I arrived from the South Pole some time ago, I was adopted by the late Celia Hayton, a much- loved alto and founder member of InChorus. After a fight to beat cancer, during which time she continued to sing with the choir, ‘Mum’ passed away in 2016. As InChorus was her passion, her family thought it fitting that I should become the choir’s mascot. Her granddaughter made me a small InChorus tee shirt out of Celia’s one, and I was ready for my new role. I’ve been told I will be going to Barcelona to celebrate the choir’s 10th birthday and I am so excited.

Singu visits Barcelona with InChorus

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